How To Draw An Arc Between Two Points 2023

technical drawing How to draw an arc through 2 known points and
technical drawing How to draw an arc through 2 known points and from

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Drawing an arc between two points is an essential skill for designers, architects, and engineers. It is a fundamental element of geometric drawing, and it can be used in various applications, such as creating curves in a building plan or designing a logo. In this blog post, we’ll discuss how to draw an arc between two points in 2023.

Tools You Need

Before starting, you’ll need a few tools to help you draw an arc between two points. These tools include a ruler, a compass, and a pencil. Make sure you have these tools ready before starting.

Step-by-Step Guide

Step 1:

Draw a straight line between the two points using the ruler. This will be the base for your arc.

Step 2:

Place the compass on one of the points and adjust its width to reach the other point. This will ensure that the arc’s radius is equal to the distance between the two points.

Step 3:

Draw an arc from the first point to the second point using the compass. Make sure to keep the compass steady and maintain the same width throughout the arc.

Step 4:

Extend the arc beyond the two points on both sides. This will help you visualize the shape of the arc.

Step 5:

Use the ruler to draw a line perpendicular to the base line at the midpoint of the arc. This will be the center point of the arc.

Step 6:

Place the compass on the center point and adjust its width to reach one of the points on the arc. This will ensure that the arc is symmetrical.

Step 7:

Draw another arc using the compass from the center point to the other point on the arc.

Step 8:

Connect the two endpoints of the new arc with the base line using the ruler. You now have a complete arc between two points.


Q: What if the two points are not on the same level?


If the two points are not on the same level, you’ll need to use a three-point arc drawing method. To draw a three-point arc, you’ll need to place the compass on a third point that lies on the same plane as the other two points. This point should be equidistant from the two original points.

Q: What if the arc is not symmetrical?


If the arc is not symmetrical, you may have made an error when drawing the center point. Double-check the center point and make sure it’s equidistant from both endpoints of the arc. If the center point is correct, you may need to adjust the width of the compass before drawing the second arc.

Q: Can I use this method to draw arcs of different sizes?


Yes, you can use this method to draw arcs of different sizes. Simply adjust the width of the compass accordingly to fit the desired radius of the arc.


Drawing an arc between two points may seem difficult at first, but with the right tools and a step-by-step guide, it can be easily accomplished. Remember to take your time and be precise with your measurements. Good luck!

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