How To Draw Captain Price 2023

Captain Price drawing our favorite mustached soldier CallOfDutyMobile
Captain Price drawing our favorite mustached soldier CallOfDutyMobile from

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    Captain Price is a popular character from the Call of Duty franchise. He has been a fan favorite since his first appearance in Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare. Drawing Captain Price can be challenging, but with practice, anyone can master it. In this article, we will show you how to draw Captain Price in 2023 using simple steps.

    Step 1: Gather Your Materials

    Before you start drawing, you need to gather your materials. You will need a sketchbook, pencils of different grades, an eraser, and a sharpener. If you prefer to use digital tools, you can use a drawing tablet and software like Adobe Photoshop or Procreate.

    Step 2: Start with the Basic Shapes

    Start by drawing basic shapes to create the outline of Captain Price’s head, body, and limbs. Draw an oval for his head, a rectangle for his torso, and lines for his arms and legs. Use light strokes to create the basic shapes so that you can erase them later.

    Step 3: Add Details to the Face

    Next, add details to Captain Price’s face. Draw his eyes, nose, mouth, and ears. Use reference images to get the details right. Captain Price has a distinctive mustache, so make sure to draw it accurately. Add shading to his face to give it depth and dimension.

    Step 4: Draw the Uniform

    Captain Price wears a military uniform, so draw the details of his jacket, pants, and boots. Pay attention to the pockets, buttons, and seams. Use shading to give the uniform texture and make it look realistic. Don’t forget to draw his gun, which he always carries with him.

    Step 5: Refine the Details

    Refine the details of Captain Price’s face and uniform. Erase any unnecessary lines and add any missing details. Use darker pencils to add shadows and highlights to make the drawing look three-dimensional. Don’t forget to add wrinkles to his clothes to make them look more realistic.

    Step 6: Add Background

    Now that you have finished drawing Captain Price, you can add a background to your drawing. You can draw a simple background or use reference images to create a more complex one. Make sure the background complements the character and doesn’t distract from it.

    Step 7: Practice, Practice, Practice

    Drawing is all about practice, so keep practicing until you can draw Captain Price without references. Experiment with different pencils and techniques to find what works best for you. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes. Every mistake is an opportunity to learn and improve.

    Step 8: Share Your Artwork

    Once you have mastered drawing Captain Price, share your artwork with others. Post it on social media or show it to your friends and family. You may even get feedback that can help you improve further.

    Question & Answer

    • Q: Can I use a reference image to draw Captain Price?
    • A: Yes, using a reference image can be helpful, especially if you are still learning to draw.
    • Q: Do I need to be good at drawing to draw Captain Price?
    • A: No, anyone can learn to draw with practice and patience.
    • Q: How long does it take to draw Captain Price?
    • A: It depends on your skill level and the amount of detail you want to include in your drawing. It can take anywhere from a few minutes to several hours.


    Drawing Captain Price can be challenging, but with practice, anyone can master it. Follow the steps outlined in this article and use reference images to help you. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes, and keep practicing until you can draw Captain Price without references. Share your artwork with others and get feedback to help you improve further.

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