How To Draw Out Moves On 2023

Chess beginner, played my first "Brilliant" move according to
Chess beginner, played my first "Brilliant" move according to from

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If you’re an avid chess player, you know that drawing out moves is an important skill to have. Drawing out moves helps you to plan your next move and anticipate your opponent’s. In this article, we will go through some tips and tricks on how to draw out moves on in the year 2023.

Setting Up the Game

To start drawing out moves on, you need to set up the game. First, log in to your account and select the “Play” button on the homepage. Then, choose the type of game you want to play, whether it’s a casual game or a tournament game.


If you’re new to, we recommend starting with casual games to get the hang of things.

Drawing Out Moves

Now, let’s get to the actual drawing out of moves. After you and your opponent have made your opening moves, it’s time to start planning your next moves. One way to do this is to click on the “Analysis” button located below the board. This will open up a new window with the game board and a variety of tools.


If you’re playing on a mobile device, you can find the “Analysis” button by tapping on the three dots at the top right corner of the screen.

Using the Analysis Board

The Analysis Board is where you can draw out moves and variations. To use it, simply click on the piece you want to move and drag it to the square you want it to go to. You can also click on the square you want to move the piece to and then click on the piece you want to move.


If you want to delete a move or variation, simply click on the “Undo” button on the right-hand side of the Analysis Board.

Anticipating Your Opponent’s Moves

Drawing out moves isn’t just about planning your own moves, it’s also about anticipating your opponent’s. One way to do this is to use the “Best Move” feature on the Analysis Board. This feature will show you the best move for both you and your opponent based on the current position of the game.


If you want to learn more about the “Best Move” feature and how to use it effectively, check out’s tutorial on the subject.

Question & Answer

Q: Can I draw out moves in the middle of a game? A: Yes, you can draw out moves at any point during the game by using the Analysis Board. Q: Can I share my drawing out moves with others? A: Yes, you can share your drawing out moves with others by using the “Share” button on the Analysis Board.


Drawing out moves is an essential skill for any chess player. By using’s Analysis Board and other features, you can easily plan your next moves and anticipate your opponent’s. We hope this article has been helpful in showing you how to draw out moves on in the year 2023. Happy gaming! Chess BoardChess PiecesBoard Game

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