How To Draw When Bored In 2023: Tips And Tricks

Cool Things To Draw When Your Bored In Class / Just don't think too
Cool Things To Draw When Your Bored In Class / Just don't think too from

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    It’s a lazy Saturday afternoon, and you find yourself with nothing to do. Suddenly, you feel the urge to create something, but you’re not sure what. Drawing is a great way to pass the time and express yourself creatively. Here are some tips and tricks to get you started on how to draw when bored in 2023.

    Tip 1: Start with Simple Shapes

    When you’re feeling bored and uninspired, it can be hard to know where to start. Begin by drawing simple shapes like circles, squares, and triangles. These basic shapes can be used as building blocks for more complex drawings. Don’t worry about making them perfect – the goal is to get your creative juices flowing.

    Tip 2: Use References

    If you’re struggling to come up with ideas, try using references. Look up images of your favorite animals or objects and use them as inspiration for your drawings. You can also use reference images to improve your skills by practicing how to draw different poses or angles.

    Tip 3: Experiment with Different Mediums

    Don’t limit yourself to just pencil and paper. Experiment with different mediums like paint, markers, or even digital drawing programs. Trying out new mediums can help you find your favorite way to draw and create unique and interesting artwork.

    Tip 4: Practice, Practice, Practice

    Like any skill, drawing requires practice. Set aside some time every day to practice your drawing skills. You can even set challenges for yourself, like drawing something new every day. With time and practice, you’ll notice improvements in your artwork.

    Tip 5: Join a Drawing Community

    Joining a drawing community can be a great way to get feedback on your artwork and connect with other artists. Look for online communities or local art groups to join. You can also participate in drawing challenges or contests to push yourself and improve your skills.

    Question & Answer

    • Q: Can anyone learn how to draw?

      A: Absolutely! Anyone can learn how to draw with practice and dedication. While some people may have a natural talent for drawing, it’s a skill that can be learned and improved upon over time.

    • Q: What if I don’t have any drawing supplies?

      A: Don’t worry! You don’t need fancy supplies to start drawing. Grab a pencil and paper and you’re good to go. If you want to experiment with different mediums, try using household items like markers, crayons, or even coffee as ink.

    • Q: I’m not very good at drawing. Where should I start?

      A: Start by drawing simple shapes and objects. As you practice, you’ll notice improvements in your skills. Don’t be too hard on yourself – remember that drawing is a skill that takes time to develop.


    Drawing is a fun and creative way to pass the time when you’re feeling bored. With these tips and tricks, you’ll be on your way to creating unique and interesting artwork in no time. Remember to practice, experiment with different mediums, and join a drawing community to push yourself and improve your skills. Happy drawing!

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