How To Take Over The World: A Comprehensive Guide For 2023

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Taking over the world may seem like an impossible feat, but with the right strategy and mindset, anything is possible. In this guide, we will provide you with tips and tricks on how to take over the world in 2023.

Step 1: Identify Your Goals

Before embarking on your world domination journey, it’s important to identify your goals. Do you want to rule with an iron fist, or do you want to be a benevolent leader? Knowing your end goal will help you strategize accordingly.

Step 2: Build Your Army

No leader can take over the world alone. It’s important to build a loyal army of followers who will help you achieve your goals. This can be done through persuasion, coercion, or even brainwashing.

Step 3: Create a Plan of Attack

Taking over the world requires a well-thought-out plan of attack. You’ll need to strategize how to take down world leaders, gain control of resources, and maintain power once you’ve achieved it.

Step 4: Utilize Technology

In 2023, technology will play a pivotal role in world domination. Utilize the latest advancements in weaponry, surveillance, and communication to gain an edge over your enemies.

Step 5: Gain Public Support

A leader can only maintain power if they have the support of the people. Use propaganda and other forms of media to gain public support and squash any dissent.

Step 6: Crush Your Enemies

In order to take over the world, you’ll need to eliminate any and all threats to your power. This may involve going to war with other countries or taking out rival leaders.

Step 7: Maintain Your Power

Once you have taken over the world, maintaining your power is key. This can be done through fear, loyalty, or even by creating a cult of personality around yourself.

Step 8: Prepare for Resistance

No leader can maintain power without facing resistance. Be prepared to deal with rebellions, uprisings, and other forms of dissent.

Step 9: Spread Your Influence

Taking over the world is just the beginning. To truly cement your power, you must spread your influence far and wide. This can be done through colonization, annexation, or even by creating puppet governments.

Step 10: Create a Legacy

Finally, a great leader must create a legacy that will stand the test of time. Whether it’s through great works of art, literature, or architecture, leaving a lasting impact on the world is key to being remembered as a truly great leader.


Taking over the world may seem like an impossible task, but with the right strategy and a little bit of luck, anything is possible. By following these steps, you too can become the ruler of the world in 2023.

Question & Answer

Q: Is it ethical to take over the world?

A: Ethics are subjective, and whether or not it’s ethical to take over the world is up for debate. However, it’s important to consider the consequences of your actions and whether or not they will benefit humanity as a whole.

Q: What happens if someone tries to stop me from taking over the world?

A: Resistance is inevitable when trying to take over the world. It’s important to be prepared to deal with any threats to your power, whether they come from rival leaders or rebellious citizens.

Q: How can I maintain power once I’ve taken over the world?

A: Maintaining power requires a combination of fear, loyalty, and propaganda. It’s important to keep your followers happy while also stamping out any dissenting voices. Additionally, creating a cult of personality around yourself can help solidify your power.


World Map

Image source: Pixabay


Image source: Pixabay


Image source: Pixabay

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