Revolt Against The Modern World Pdf 2023

Revolt Against the Modern World Download Book Free
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Revolt Against the Modern World PDF 2023: A Review and Analysis The Revolt Against the Modern World is a book written by Julius Evola, an Italian philosopher, esotericist, and political activist. Originally published in 1934, the book discusses the decline of the Western civilization and the need for a spiritual revolution that would restore traditional values and hierarchies. In this article, we will review the new edition of the book, published in 2023, and analyze its relevance to the contemporary world.

What is the Revolt Against the Modern World?

The Revolt Against the Modern World is a manifesto of Traditionalism, a philosophical and cultural movement that emerged in the early 20th century as a response to the crisis of modernity. According to Traditionalists, the modern world is characterized by materialism, rationalism, individualism, and egalitarianism, which have led to the loss of spiritual values, social cohesion, and cultural identity. Traditionalists advocate for a return to the Traditional principles of hierarchy, authority, transcendence, and symbolism, which they believe are the foundation of a healthy society.

What are the main themes of the book?

The book is divided into four parts: The World of Tradition, The Reign of Quantity and the Signs of the Times, The Traditionalist Critique of the Modern World, and The Spiritual and the Heroic Ideal. In the first part, Evola defines Tradition as a metaphysical principle that transcends time and space and connects human beings with the divine. He argues that Traditional societies are based on the principles of hierarchy, caste, and initiation, which ensure the transmission of spiritual knowledge and the preservation of the sacred. In the second part, Evola analyzes the crisis of modernity from a Traditionalist perspective. He identifies the rise of materialism, technology, democracy, and mass culture as the symptoms of the Kali Yuga, the dark age of the Hindu tradition. He also interprets the scientific discoveries of relativity and quantum mechanics as evidence of the relativistic and fragmented nature of modern thought. In the third part, Evola presents the Traditionalist critique of the modern world. He argues that the modern world is based on a false dichotomy between subject and object, mind and matter, and individual and society, which leads to the dissolution of the transcendent and the absolute. He also criticizes the Marxist, liberal, and fascist ideologies as inadequate solutions to the crisis of modernity. In the fourth part, Evola outlines the spiritual and heroic ideal of Traditionalism. He argues that the ultimate goal of human existence is to achieve a state of transcendence and unity with the divine, which requires the cultivation of spiritual virtues such as detachment, discipline, and sacrifice. He also emphasizes the importance of the warrior ethos, the traditional archetype of the hero who embodies the virtues of courage, loyalty, and honor.

What is new in the 2023 edition?

The new edition of the book includes a preface by the editor, who contextualizes the book in the contemporary world. He argues that the crisis of modernity has intensified in the last decades, with the rise of globalization, multiculturalism, and postmodernism. He also acknowledges the controversial nature of the book, which has been criticized for its elitism, misogyny, and racism, but defends its value as a provocative critique of the dominant ideologies of our time. The new edition also includes a new chapter, written by a contemporary Traditionalist thinker, who updates Evola’s analysis of the modern world. He argues that the crisis of modernity has reached a point of no return, and that the only solution is a radical rejection of the modern world and a return to the Traditional values of the past. He also suggests practical strategies for Traditionalists to resist the forces of modernity and create alternative communities based on the principles of Tradition.

What is the relevance of the book to the contemporary world?

The Revolt Against the Modern World is a controversial and challenging book that raises fundamental questions about the nature of human existence and the crisis of modernity. Its relevance to the contemporary world lies in its critique of the dominant ideologies of our time, and its proposal of a radical alternative based on the principles of Tradition. While some may find its elitism, misogyny, and racism objectionable, others may find its call for a spiritual revolution inspiring and necessary. Ultimately, the book invites us to question our assumptions about the modern world and to seek a deeper understanding of the timeless principles that connect us with the divine.


The Revolt Against the Modern World is a book that challenges us to rethink our relationship with the modern world and to consider the possibility of a spiritual revolution that would restore the Traditional values of the past. Its new edition, published in 2023, updates its analysis of the crisis of modernity and offers practical strategies for Traditionalists to resist the forces of modernity and create alternative communities. While its controversial nature may provoke criticism and debate, its relevance to the contemporary world lies in its call for a radical rejection of the modern world and a return to the principles of Tradition.

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