World Top 2 Percent Scientists List 2021 Pdf 2023

I was just made aware that I just made it to the list of the top 2
I was just made aware that I just made it to the list of the top 2 from

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The Background

In 2021, a team of researchers from Stanford University released a study that identified the world’s top 2% scientists across various disciplines. The list was created by analyzing the data from Scopus, a large abstract and citation database, and using a standardized citation metrics approach. The list was divided into 22 scientific fields and 176 subfields, and it included more than 150,000 scientists from around the world. The study aimed to recognize the contributions of scientists and provide a benchmark for evaluating the impact of research.

The Update

In 2023, the same team of researchers released an updated version of the list, which included the top scientists for the years 2019 and 2020. The list was published in a PDF format and made available online for free.

The Top Scientists

The top scientists on the list were from various fields, including medicine, physics, chemistry, engineering, and social sciences. Some of the notable names on the list were: – Sir David Attenborough, a renowned naturalist and broadcaster. – Dr. Anthony Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases in the USA. – Dr. Jennifer Doudna, a biochemist and molecular biologist who won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 2020.

The Impact

The list has received widespread attention and has been used as a benchmark for evaluating the impact of research across various disciplines. Many scientists on the list have been recognized for their contributions and have received funding and support for their research.

The Question & Answer

Q: Why was the list created?
A: The list was created to recognize the contributions of scientists and provide a benchmark for evaluating the impact of research. Q: How many scientists were on the list?
A: The list included more than 150,000 scientists from around the world. Q: Who were some of the notable names on the list?
A: Some of the notable names on the list were Sir David Attenborough, Dr. Anthony Fauci, and Dr. Jennifer Doudna.

The Conclusion

The world’s top 2% scientists list for 2021 has been updated with the top scientists for 2019 and 2020. The list has received widespread attention and has been used as a benchmark for evaluating the impact of research. Congratulations to all the scientists who made it to the list, and we look forward to seeing their future contributions to their respective fields.

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